August 30, 2015 at Cheongshim Peace World CenterKorea
Beloved True Parents [True Mother]. Distinguished Leaders from around the world. Blessed Central Family Members. Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a honor and a great privilege to stand before you today on the occasion of the 3rd Anniversary of our True Father’s Ascension.
When I reflect on the depth and significance of our True Father’s life and legacy, my heart is filled with eternal love and gratitude. I say this not only because I have been given this precious life by my parents, but also because I see the multitude of blessings that our True Parents have given to the world.
I am continually awestruck by the beauty and diversity of our global family, which has been raised up and nurtured by our True Parents. Imagine for a moment what your life would have been like had you not met True Parents, living outside the realm of the Blessing, without meaning, purpose, vision, a clear path to follow; without their exemplary lives that show us the way to fulfill our dreams and aspirations. How blessed we are to have been brought together by True Parents as one family, united together without any barrier, boundary, or division!
Thank you True Parents!
To so many millions of people around the world, indeed to all the people of the world, True Parents have fully and completely given their parental heart, their unconditional true love, and their resources, always living for the sake of others.
When I think of True Father, the image that is forever emblazoned in my mind is one of an indomitable force of True Love. At every moment I see True Father’s unforgettable smile, expressing his embracing, loving heart, and crossing every border and boundary with compassion, generosity and hopes for peace. I see him even hugging his enemy. Nothing could stop him from practicing True Love.
Our True Father lived and walked this earth for 92 years, standing squarely at the center of God’s providence, called by heaven, and by Jesus himself, for a mission that was beyond ordinary comprehension.
Facing every challenge and difficulty head on, he prayed and worked without ceasing, gathering disciples one by one, even in the face of continual opposition.
Although the course of restoration was torturous, he endured. And, he prevailed. And, yes, he emerged victorious. What for each of us is a divine spark embedded in our hearts, was, for True Father, a roaring fire of passion for God and for the restoration of humanity.
If I focus on one central theme that characterizes his entire life, it is the theme of unification and oneness. Each and every thing he did over the course of 92 years was for the sake of unity, harmony and peace centered on True Love, True life and True lineage.
As you know the meaning of the word cheonilguk is “two become one” as in a “unified nation of peace.” This core principle was applied by True Father to the relations among religions, nations, races, ethnicities, cultures and civilizations, for the sake of establishing “one family under God.” Every organization and project that True Father and True Mother established had this vision in mind.
Oneness, of course, does not come about automatically. To restore this world in accordance with God’s providence, he strove every single day of his life to witness, teach, educate, Bless and save every single human being. He lived each day as though it were his last.
In 1960, at the time of their Holy Blessing, our True Father formed his eternal partnership with
victorious couple, they fulfilled the position of the eternal True Parents, giving the Blessing to couples all over the world.
Thank you True Father! Thank you True Mother! Thank you for being our eternal True Parents!
There is no corner of the globe where True Father did not take this message of oneness for the individual, family, tribe, nation and world centered on True Love. In every field of endeavor—–religion, education, interfaith dialogue, good governance, renewal of the United Nations, the environment, sports, the arts, the media, academia, humanitarian and emergency relief, peace and security, youth and women’s empowerment, unification of the Korean Peninsula, the list goes on and on—he made an indelible mark for the sake of True Love, unity and peace.
True Father’s life cannot be encapsulated in any speech nor in any one book. True Father and True Mother, our eternal True Parents, have lived their lives in absolute attendance to our HP. They have lived each moment for the sake of others. They have substantiated and given us True Love, True Life and True Lineage.
What I want to leave you with today is a reminder that, although True Father and True Mother have fulfilled their missions, we each have our own portion of responsibility. Therefore, as we reflect on our True Father’s life and legacy and as we commemorate his glorious life, let us keep in mind that the greatest tribute we can offer on this day, and in the days that lie ahead, is to unite together, centering on our True Mother, with an absolute commitment to build on True Father’s foundation, emulating his life of daily devotion through hoondokhwe, and working each and every day to transform this world and build the nation of cheonilguk.
Will you do this? Yes!
In closing, I have one more question for you.
As filial sons and daughters can we, on this holy day, pledge our absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience to our True Parents?
Please never forget the divine light that dwells within you. You are the embodiment of the hopes and dreams of Heavenly Parent and True Parents.
Thank you my beloved brothers and sisters. We are truly blessed to have our True Parents and become one family under God.
To conclude my remarks, and in memory of our True Father, I would like to ask you all stand and turn to your neighbor and offer that person a big HUG just like our True Father, keeping in mind H is for harmony, U is for unity, and G is for goodness, gratitude, and God. As you embrace, feel your hearts unite, feel the joy and harmony in your union, and send that loving energy of gratitude and goodness to Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and all of creation.
Please say Kamsamnida, thank you and Salanghamnida, I love you to each other! Can you feel true father smiling, loving, and hugging you back? He is and lives forever when we practice true love and come together as one family under Heavenly Parent.
Finally, thank you for being here on this historic day to honor our beloved True Father, and our dearest True Mother. Let us live each moment in absolute oneness with all creation, with a unity of vision, sincerity of heart, and let us absolutely complete our mission to bring every child of God back together as one. Let us bring victory in vision 2020 and realize Cheon Il Guk. All together let us pledge our victory to Heavenly Parent, True Parents, and the entire globe! All give three cheers of Sungli!

(Sungli!, Sungli!, Sungli!) AJU! Namaste.